Specialist Treatments

Resurfacing Treatment Facial – $139

When you look in the mirror and see uneven skin tone, lines, wrinkles and lifeless skin, then you, 100%, have to have this facial. It’s the ultimate skin resurfacing treatment that delivers incredible results.

30% AHA refining Treatment – $65

A selection of AHA’s is used in this facial to aid in the process of stimulating cell regeneration, which exposes new cells to improve skin texture and refinement. Glycolic and salicylic acids break down dead skin build-up giving you a healthier-looking skin. Buy four get the fifth one free.

2-Step Enzymatic Qucik Peel – $160

A delicate formulation of homeopathically prepared active ingredients that are targeted to stimulate the deeper cells, forming a layer to promote new healthy cells, whilst at the same time dissolving and binding dead surface skin together ready to be digested by enzymatic action. Excellent for aged skin, sun-damaged, oily, acne and uneven skin toned skin.We at Advanced Natural highly recommend that you take home our skincare to avoid adverse reactions.

Skin Needling – $195

Intensive Corrective Collagen Induction Therapy. Improves the appearance of Superficial Pigmentation, Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Scarring and Stretch Marks. Plumps the skin by stimulating collagen within the skin. 3 treatments are recommended for ultimate results. $195 per treatment or Prepay 2 treatments for $299

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